Issues surrounding adult survivors of childhood abuse, the pressure to forgive, family estrangement, premature forgiveness, forgiveness, and reconciliation.
Were You Expecting to arrive at Heal and Forgive? If so you were re-directed to my new blog.
The Heal and Forgive blog was born out of the publication of my first book, “Heal and Forgive.” I am happy that the blog has been helpful to a robust readership.
After my publisher recently went out of business the book was re-released under the title, “Mother, I Don’t Forgive You,” which is more in keeping with the premise of the book. I decided to re-title my blog along with the book.
I hope you will continue to peruse the posts and join in on the various discussions including our right as survivors to decide our own healing journey, with or without forgiveness.
The back story on the title change can be found on the post directly below:
Featured Post
Mother, I Don’t Forgive You – Why the Book and Blog Were Re-Titled
In 1992, after nearly a decade of trying desperately to forgive my mother, my life was spinning out of control. Not only had I failed at f...
Monday, October 27, 2008
Birthday Gifts?
Sometimes, parents pass along gifts from estranged aunts, uncles, or grandparents. They may believe that their children would be comforted knowing that an estranged family member still loves them and thinks about them.
Other times, parents withhold the gifts. Sometimes, parents refuse gifts out of anger. This of course is very sad for everyone involved. Another reason parents withhold gifts is that they don't want to send their children confusing messages about the broken relationship or enter into a who is "right" and who is "wrong" discussion. They may not want to make their child sad or answer uncomfortable questions about why they don't see their aunt, uncle, or grandparent. Ultimately, it is up to the parent to decide what is in the best interest of their children.
I sent gifts to my nieces and nephews in the early years of my estrangement, knowing that they may very well never receive the gifts (they did not). Yet, I wanted my nieces and nephews to know that I loved them - even if from afar. I have found that the pain of estrangement can often give way to the power of living a life of love and integrity.
Friday, October 17, 2008
In human relationships, this term means two or more people who don't have clear identities and boundaries (limits) that separate one person from the other. Thus an enmeshed person can't distinguish the difference between my needs, feelings, opinions, and priorities and yours.
Enmeshment was certainly present in my family of origin. Abusive families have a way of creating enmeshed family systems. It took years apart from my mother and a degree of healing that I never thought was possible in order to break free from my enmeshment.
I often hear from estranged adult children, "My parents aren't capable of thinking about anyone but themselves. Why would I want a relationship under those circumstances?"
I get that. For many years, I felt that way too. Reconciling a relationship seemed like a return to my enmeshed (and abusive) family system.
For me, it took more than a decade of estrangement to heal enough to stand as a separate adult individual with a healthy indifference towards my mother's opinions, and needs; to protect my own well-being; to exercise great boundaries; to accept my mother just as she is; to give up any expectations of a normal mother-daughter sort of relationship, and to create a non-intimate friendship that is respectful of our differences. We simply share a history, and to me history is important.
After nearly two years of reconciliation, my mother and I are yet to know one another. She has never inquired about my life, such as how I spend my time, my interests, work, etc. and that is okay with me. I recognize that she is not my "safe place to fall," or someone with whom I can share anything of significance. We merely talk about old memories, current events, or her life.
My life hasn't really changed much from when we were estranged, but it feels better. I can move freely to and from family and social events without the negative strain of "being at odds, " or feeling rejected. I know my mother's inability to mother is about her - not about me.
I've made peace with the wounds of the past. I have "blasted through my mountain of pain" so that my abuse is a memory rather than a present reality. I no longer feel the "void" of estrangement or "lost" without a home.
Home is finally of my own making.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Reconciliation – Not Always an Option
Certainly, in some situations, reconciliation isn’t possible. I know a woman who moved across the country, unlisted her phone number and started life anew only to have her violent family members track her down, stalk her, and interfere with her new job, friends and neighbors.
I have heard from other people who deeply desire a relationship with a parent or sibling, but they simply cannot put themselves in harms way for the sake of a connection. As painful as estrangement is, these individuals must somehow learn to live with a separation that feels like the “lesser of two evils.”
Many people do wish to reconcile with family members only to face repeated rejection.
It can be hard to accept that we only have control over our half of the relationship. At some point, the time comes to simply accept the cards we were dealt and move on to live the best life possible.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Forgiveness Poll
Unfortunately, there appears to be a glitch in the poll software. Blogger issues??? I checked blogger for poll bugs, but I didn't find any results. Anyhow, the votes keep falling off and disappearing.
Since the poll no longer seems to be working properly, I decided to post the last known results I had and take down the poll. Thanks to all who joined in!
As I’ve said before, during the span of the last thirty years – given where I was on my recovery at the time - I could have voted for seven out of the eleven choices here.
These are the results:
How much has forgiveness played a role in your recovery from abuse:
None 3 (6%)
Somewhat – Plays a small roll in my process. 1 (2%)
Somewhat - I don’t want to forgive and I’m okay with that. 4 (8%)
Somewhat – Forgiveness is a journey and I’m comfortable with my pace. 11 (22%)
Quite a bit – I’d like to forgive, but I am unable. 4 (8%)
Quite a bit – I won’t forgive unless some conditions are met. 3 (6%)
Quite a bit – I have forgiven. 6 (12%)
Huge - I’ll never forgive. 1 (2%)
Huge – Makes me angry. I feel damaged by pressure from others to forgive. 9 (18%)
Huge – My abuser acknowledged my injuries, asked for forgiveness and I have forgiven. 6 (12%)
None of the above. 3 (6%)
Healing from my role as the family scapegoat was one of the last steps that fell into place on my healing journey. I had many more immedia...
I've always had difficulty with mourning. Often, when I find myself entering a new phase of healing, such as with my current life transi...
In 1992, after nearly a decade of trying desperately to forgive my mother, my life was spinning out of control. Not only had I failed at f...